
Medicinal Chem


I have some works to do, sorry parents. I need to talk to someone else.

Hi Scientific Community, someone ask me some questions, so I wrote an article, just finish the entire one, adding more photo in, in case you miss the new photo. 

Like I said, I pretend I ignore every details. But the scientific paper always started at except and the first paragraph of making a conclusion what everyone is doing. I assume everyone knows how to write a scientific paper, because they go through peer reviews. 

I look like these things are no hope to publish.

I look like i telling you I am very busy for 8 years.

8 years ago more like 9 years ago, I met a junkie scientist touching my legs....He does stem cell.

He has a twin brother producer in Hollywood called Sayer, or his entire family last name.

9 years pass, some people will die at the old age.

...Just like I said, future you never know what the system and operation is under my hands or grisp. What you believe the science, you believe in it, you better be ready for it. 

Things I built up, i know exactly where I label and name it, and to make A fun of it....

My attitude to the public common people like military was a educational one.

But that day, to confront the scientific community, I will tell you, all these photo add-on, I am the worse of the worst attitude, every family member like my mother Rockfeller will know....its worse of the worse....

I do not care about friends, I do not care about you be on the street with your family. I do not care about kids, I certainly do not care one single human anymore passing certain time....

Let you should be warn, as if I make myself clear.... 

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....