
Does ET eats?

 They categorize themselves as the Idol Gods?

If you don't believe they are the Idol Gods, can you just use my share ...anything I have the food offering to provide them something great when they come greet us at the Law Court Room, America? 

They like Harp?


They like the judges to have the eye liners?

What does a judge in America Court room looks like?

The Beauty Contests? 

Do you think of the back up routes yet?

Russian, or China Supreme high court?

    oh ~ if you wish this every them want the ET showing up in their Supreme High Court, what they ET will ever do ....

When you Believe?

Are ET guys???

They like the girls? My entire monitors are girls?


They tall? Very tall !!!! Models!!!

Young, healthy looking! Special Look!

Where is Classify?

Hi, can you just called them, they calling me in for 3 days, whatever, 2 days?

You need to call in! Whatever they are saying.

The Black Ops.

The below are all blank out thumbnail. Only with the title and description.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....