
⭐️⭐️ Do you know the immigration office, Special Workers' Visa, there is a MD session, so why don't you try to save some guys? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Or you ask your parents, they told you not to save the guys on the line?

The Line, Tamang, Wing, and Dean, to the Bermuda Lines?

To shape a MD, or a pharmacist, or a surgeon, isn't that 16 years pass?

There is many reasons to save the line?

I know Mahavatar Babaji, tell me what you want, and save that line?

He is India's God?

Are you all still considering whom are going to hell? Its says Hero 6 ! 

Adding Tamang, that is 7 !!!

Bill Gates lives in Seattle ! He recently divorced. For Yogi Bear, has a birthday girl name 423, Ola birthday, with Prince Charlie looking Forest tour guides.

Yogi....Yogi....is like a God in India ~~~ Autobiography of a Yogi?

So if the TV gives me the powers with Mahavatar Babaji in "Eternal Love" I can assume using it to the Medical Board....

"Hi Medical Board, we never met, and apparently you have a tendency to watch me die. There are few of your elites people that you train for 16 years are my birthday, if I die, they survive, you ever think of it, that line, is because of me? So I tell you the TV fames I do gain something, so not just I seize the military some power since 8 years ago started...today this is like 8th years? Commading power in music is just a modest way to say, I tell you so. But the real essence behind, I don't bother to talk about it anymore, just say in general the Military Oritentation Table?"

So I told Tamang has a gun, and his birthday just happened to be Keanu Reeves, to have a Lake house, one kiss scene. That was my old boyfriend, you mean Eben Pagan, one of this mixing up movies in between plot, you need to know anymore? 

So beside the movies cutting people in pieces, you doubts that has anything to do with the ET. If the Porsalin Doll Trailer I show you that is Reptilian and that is Grey, do you believe mythology? So you and American Classified, will at least not to pretending my suffering, that is without the ET present, I tend not to talk about them ET, in anyway means, so everyone can live a more mundane life that is quiet in nature, not to tempting to hurting anyone, including ET?

So in light of all these points I mention, not just to tell their parents, if their parents even speak in English....there is a reason, someone from your Medical Boards at least trying to save a human life as your principle as a decent what you can do for the civilian is bigger than the military force power, to get them out of the line? Meaning, your jobs as CDC or medical board is trying to save lifes, not to kill life? One life is one life?

I am not officially MD? Does that count, I might be close by?  Save one life is one life mercy?


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