
Do you decide as 4 of you, talking to your parents yet this weekend, how the life turns on you?

 In case, that 16 years of others watching you, you won't haven't a break yet, after your parents gone? 

Do you tell the guys about the ET pranks on you hurting someone else you met friends in CAC?

Does the guy exciting there is ET? What do they see in life, if the TV becomes real, and the ET just right next here?

They like sci-fi movie like Tamang? on Star gate, John Sheppard, looks like the One? 

Do people like to watch TV?

Do you meet Eben, or ETR Craig, to whom does these Self-improvement class? Or digial things I said, they heard the future where the jobs they looking ahead? 

I don't have to keep talking to you girls? I talking to them differently? They take care of the rest of other stuffs? Take care of their own lifes? 

 Digital information products such as e-books, are one of the fomats, people rely on the Internet to make a living. The Information Products.

People today in the fast pace of the Internet development, start to gears towards the attention to receiving the information fast, and copy and paste to read methods.

People collects enough name lists, its like a small circle among them to interact with you, when you become more significant of this Information Era.

I don't see that your husband will become that niches where to dominating the digital products, but they heard about it? People exchange the information very fast pace. Some are tools, some are just information whom to whom to what gonna have a seminar, or teaching lessons, do you want to join? 

You girls don't like the meeting stuffs, the guys like the congregation stuffs? 

How long do I must pet you all shoulder on this lament things you lose it all, or you hell all, on Victoria Secrets already saying it loud and clear, so I tell other people other things, that their life moving full speed ahead? They feel its a new beginning of something to look forward, with the ideas, they collects some buddy friends, about these ET crisis, Anna showing everyone on the monitor? Or we keep watching the Sailor Moon to see you crying in the booth with your parents? 

That looks like a fun things for the weekend....


The guys you are with, do they know, I said about National Archive things?

The librarian we know something in the school, its called Web 2.0.

Your film are called Tiny 4.0

There is a technology in order to evovle.....

So how details you give all you guys, your volunteering crimes information.....Like how you treat each other height....apparently friendship built on the Height?

How to read the story right, with words, per frame, per minute and seconds?

They are first try on the image process....I have been processing these for 8 loooooong years.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....