
Can I legally say something about ....this, if they show up, whatever I tell you so? Not the ET, the other human looking guys?

 Hi ! I know you have a legal system, this one life, secure me, in one life time.

I want to know after life ...

Do you have a legal system, that is in America, right now, toning in, maybe not waiting til next year, which its just a couple month before Christmas or my vaccine time? 

How high is your IQ? The High tech and the Dark Magic, I don't think they are the exact same things, do you think? 

There are few definition of the books so far, you reading at? yet?

You know, when you really be on the subjects of Real Love, and Loving the Silent Tear, some of this will cut people in piece......Just I am getting this ride, or there are someone, you will know, the ET IQ, is about right in human thinking at the cognitive level?

I have Eben, I am content with him, fine.

If you actually could legally just called American Classify, or just congregation group them to nagging them to call ET, just call ET. What do they mean the planning, a month, a year, or next every single day, we are on planning? Its on my monitors right now?

You are listening to what I say about ET? They show up at the court and do what?


You have a group of lawyers, you have a group of painters, you have a group of doctors, or a group of brainer needed business man to show up there at the court room, in case their ET IQ mind if beyond your Court Room American Justice Jury, or Judge's IQ?


Where will I be ending up with all of your IQ? 

If its about me issues, can you just make sure, I am in the court room to be with the ET or whomever, they say they know me, I don't know any of them physically but in photo?

 There are only few names, I Anna keep talking about 54, Simon; Keanu, 26 Hallie, Nancy Meyer, 19 Anita, Painting girls Hollywood, 

Mathrew, and Romance Journey Victoria Secrets.

Senior Bush, Salai, Melzi....

Queen and her family

Wallace, and Mark, and Vic....

Me, Eben, and ETR, Optimistic group.

I need you to get all the people I ever tell you about, put in your mind whatever things they are, what they are, whom they are, where you seen they are. memorize it. 

ET might just pick the simpliest IQ for ALL 194 country on the same pace, to talk about it, so you know where at least they know they talk about it, for ALL people education in mind?

Do you need to call UN, or Super Nation 5? I mean the Super Power.

United Nations are in Europe. Super Nations are on the maps.

Maybe you need to call Elon Musk, like right now ~~~he has too many things about these light years things he needs to sort it all out, like now? I have no ideas what they are? His romance? His songs, his faces?

    Tesla is important

    Da Vinci is important

    Shakymuni Buddha is important

Do you get all these things done for 8 long years, behind my back? I need all those copies now? Wherever you find the story, the events, the SMCH talking about stories, or details account, you find the people's faces, etc....you update me, when you go to the court room that day with the ET...

The birds showing up time, like now, do you all have the animal communicator, on the lines? Or you could be the best, be the animal communicator, like now???? You could start communicating with the birds, as if they are part of it with whomever, you explain them the situation, I anna says it all ? The ET??


You are on this island with these camera, yet? The cloud, the sky, on UFO sighting?

Which the commander-in-chefs, and the academia institution or the research complex needs to be on this? I already leave the message on the Victoria Secrets, the Forbes 100?

I am not on my website statistic counts, I have no ideas whom are on my website. Do you have a number behind, how many people or groups are on my website? So there is a reason telling me the birds are doing this, the sky cloud doing this, or the ET about to doing....what? 

With the dark magic, or with the high tech?

Do you call the porn industry?

Don't tell me all these guys are handsome, I am telling you faces...Do you know what is the horrific games of life, that is involved sex? Sex ideas? Do you equip these terms with the judges yet? They can talk about it? 

Guys and the girls, are they that difference? Can you call the guy forward, because if nick, my ex was being honest, I thought we have different degree in understanding about 1000% difference ?

If Real Love & the Loving the Silent Tear, I told you to get that book now its not publishing anymore, you see the Reptilian?

So we need that BOOK at the court room????

No, it would be just love and affairs, that everyone knows the degree that Reptilian and Grey's their best interests are for all of you to become loving....in attitude, and in life.

Matthew Mcconaughey has this Movies saying, we discovering ET. (1997 Contacts)

And at the ending of that, we have a congregation of a full of room people dressing in black tie suit, to say, what is the experience account. If the ET is walking in, as the ET looks like to you on the photo, not the video, we have no more assumption if they exist or not, they are living, breathing, and standing right in front of everyone, at the court room, can we agree on that?

That is a physical presence, and now its the invitation?

How we meet the conjunction road? 

    There is a Reptilian

    There is a Grey

Can you by now, knowing what they are on the different degree what the American Classify saying about them through the Project Camelot, or their associates? Or you could just call them up, says, NOW, where is your networks of Whistle blowers's name in the public arena, that talks about ET?

There is like several David I think.

okay ....Now..

My turns to the Judges.

Hi ~ I know you know there is a Superman, and a zombie, or the vampire those things...

Now maybe you could focus on the Traverlers, in the future, to come to the end of the galaxy, like the milkway, for the spiritual practices? These are far away from it all? 

Like how far its from the central government?

Do you prefer to write this, or just finding out all the other things?

Of all the things you could ask ET, could you just get the most essential and necessarily pretty on their face, pretty on my faces questions?

The reason the future of where the UFO technology comes, besides now watching my sky? 


Now, my personal life.....you have no ideas the degrees of ...those things I suffered from. But if the ET told you the account, and they themselves tell you the account, I didn't say I will sue them, so just leave it. I try to tell them to stop it. You can just kindly tell them, can you stop it...this my every night room here, I have to work so tired, I fall asleep the moment I touch my pillow....

Do you understand what I mean? 

They have a full military enstallment. I cannot stop saying that !

By that time, me and Eben issues will be solve, so in case, there is any court appearance, I will drag Eben with me, everywhere I go. And No, I do not care about the other guys. I live here. I am not going anywhere. I am not planning to go anywhere, and I am not Bob Dean, I do not care about UFO, I do not care about how far I gonna travel to the other side of galaxy to see any marvelous things. Nope, I do not care a tiny bit.

So don't tell me where I will be going, I do not want to hear any of this...

There are things I do, I content being here. 

Whatever they say, do not represent me.

And when you finish all these gossips, why the Open Galaxy, is started Victoria Secrets, and my misery life, the romance, the photo, the more romances....Can you get that Bible sue it to the galatic center of whichever you can reach, to modify something for me, if there are punishment ideas, I do not wish this, I suffer so behind, I cannot tell you, because nothing being seen, and I won't tell you?

I suffered !!!!

Or you really believe, that is the end of it, the verdict? I have not grown to be that persmissive to look upon lifes.The beginning and the end, its when the Jesus coming back.....to Eden, Adam and Eve stories. Apple trees. And sins, starting all over again.....do you read my maps?

There is my name.

A voice in Moses Disney.

So if this entire book...is written in a mysterious language, can you find out , like quick, of my misery life behind? 

No one knows?

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