
You join a long table, with your church, start eating like you could have a conversation with everyone ! 你們只是加入你們教堂的禮拜天大家一起吃個飯!


I eat with CNN TV on, my mother eats at her TV looking straight, we are not talking to each other !!! We used to eat on the same table sometimes. 

But every commander copy me, when I eat at that table to see what the clouds says or do with the birds, on that side of the house. So they bought the align house here, to look at the same sky, you could just call CNN. That is before I watching them to eating a meal. 

What do we do?

I do what I supposed to do, so they copy looking outside, and looking at their food. 

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....