
What do you do? Like crime on TV? 你們是做了什麼~叫做在電視上的罪犯嗎 ? 那如果不是你們做了什麼事情 ... 那就是你們現在回到你們家,你們其實最可能開始做的事情是 Bossing your parents

That is not criminal ! Bossing 你們爸媽不是罪犯 ! 但是 ....

How do you get the jobs, your certificate at every very stressful time on that resume? I finish writing that resume, I am telling you, its a blank 8 years, I give Taiwan National Library only library related words !

Because if you are not employee in between that years? You.....??? I think that is what Annca said, and I turn around, and look at him, he walking out of his room, that guy?

你們大學畢業很久吧 ? 或是研究所,那你們爸媽是放鬆很久開公司 ? 你們的計劃就是五馬分屍? 你們是有計畫才有工作的嗎 ? 我是那個從來沒有計畫一個工作都沒有的那個人 ... 那,你們這種行為我這幾天輕輕講,你們回家是開始命令他們?

你們其實都在做一樣的事情,因為這電視關係你們的臉皮嗎 ? 你們有覺得你們要控制這整個情況? 喔! ~ 我沒有說你們不上進,你們太上進了~ 我只叫你們去陪客,你們爸媽,好一輩的每一個抽出來吊起來 打,我會抓到哪一隻的? 

你們的容顏是對上司 (你們的爸媽 ) 還是你們有小孩了 ?

就是命令? 這專業的人都是怎麼做事情的,外包廠商? 叫做信口開河還是眼帶微笑? 有你們這種對你們爸媽的這種態度問題嗎 ? 是因為這電視太可恥了? 太多那種你們無法講述為什麼他們看到,是你們覺得非常可恥的開始?

奇怪,你們人其實都還沒有見到,那如果你們見到鴻凱跟家慶怎麼辦 ?

我覺得鴻凱跟家慶這種東西,他們好像是公關那種東西,以前成功國中直排輪社跟我們中山聯誼的時候就是公關對上公關 ~ 排球隊也是公關對上公關耶 ...這種東西,你們爸媽知道那是什麼中文字嗎 ?

公關?  = Public relation

That position, you confronting the outside worlds?

Like my high school, the volleyball team public relation to that guys volleyball 3rd boy school, team public relation.

Same to the our girl school roller blade public relation to that same boy school roller blades public relation ....



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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....