
Peripheral what you looking at ....

Do you like Conan Detective, you think my friends they suffer to be seen so little?


You envy they have a role on TV, and you die you want to be in the TV?


So many worlds you learn about how each other just gazing at their pain and suffering. That is a forever bound samsara. Its suffering.

You could just be free, not to feel any of that.


You got it all wrong. You are not doing anything spirituality wise. You wished, not you could ever jump out of that strain ET putting on you.

It is not a force. Its how it is.

It is a little cruel....becasue, that is always how others will tell you ET are cruel. They are so far away from me, I sit on my chair, never looking at them, inside that heart are weeping.

What they care about that one life of lifestyle....its just how many decades pass, they will die. If they don't arrive to that spirituality, that life after this death, there is no guarantee. 

But people rather soak in that mood, not to say, Hell if comes, they scare will never do that. So they rise up.

Everything, but hell.

That is very sad. 

If I lose Eben, let's say....for any reason ....

What would happen? I Anna will do? I will tell him, I will not lose him every life, you go on this one life finish whatever you do. That TV, we stay together. If I see that, I will make it.

You all?

Saying that to Eben?

This is the time TV turns real, do you want to by the way, looking at certain things you meant to look after you imagine you have a better money and opportunity life?

Because what you care about, its right in front of you.

I will tell you, those are not real.

You feel it? That is called unstable.

You move that heart and mind and soul, you go to hell. That is what I tell Chinese.

You never fall. Never fold, never fall. Because you only believe NEVER HELL.

You never move your mood, never move your up and down emotion one bit. Like X man green man Apocalyse.

No matter what, you don' move.

Not in thinking, not in lust, not in intention.

If you break those circumstance, you go to hell.

They will tell you that does not register in the Buddhism. I say, I grow up knowing that. I do that, I will go to hell, I never do that.

That is very very very astral.

In Western world, where they let you go to boys and girls so early on ...to hold hands.

your entire life is ruined in those poberty time.

You will kill each other, all of you. Outside spirituality world White race.

Killing each other for love, Dean all them, for happy life, I leave them alone with all money, they start to be them. That is the end. I broadcast to everyone.

That's the system, you will never make it. You break it. That part of middle school, high school. I was girls separate away from guys, to stablize that nature.

You suppose to copy paste me. Its best for you. You should have listen hard.

 Everything on your facebook is not real. 

That day, they will all die. I do on purpose. Correct. 

They make that system in America. 

They want one life, those stuffs. Everything but me.

I will give them all that they want, and they will kill each other.

I deliver that. 

They are all psycho. you suppose to listen to your commanders, to move here. With some spiritual power, or groups or something that stablize some of this stuffs. Correct Asian girls they are psycho too.

You suppose to listen to your commanders, I will tell you that.

If you don't make it, you will die. 

They all know that. 

These are very very very childish things, you could just serve the world in whole lot domain, and you see more friends more people....you don't feel that alone situation, but you rather to cage with one person or whom you all taken? 

Then one day, someone kills someone.

That is the end of that story.

You suppose to believe your own appearance, for the best believe, what is the only thing in life, than being with the immature and die there. 

You suppose to control your own life, to know what Classify means....never looking back.

I hope you hear what I say.

That facebook, that phone....drop it all.

Not worth it.

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