
Military Orientation Table 1/5/2022

Your officers they are the girls, to feel me. Not to be there, taken your stuffs....if that is what you mean? UB 5 Lords routes? These are the most ridiculous things I imagine I say to you.

Your senior offices...seeing human every day and say hi. You girls have a problems to be there in the class, and have a guys saying hi to you. On my monitor was saying the guys have to be there and open their mouth to say hi to you. Is that what you are put in those UB exactly the routes you walk in to see Silas, or Bill or Dean or Patrick, and where is Seth? I  don't remember Seth.

Do you all trying to tell my UB 5 Lords, that they look like NSYNC first of all, and second of all, how you wish to have them all around, if you were to just saying internal you are just sad little things, your height its shorter than me even? Isn't this military they grow on height?

Right...Tall guys usually just saying they are gay, and get rid of them, by seeing them. That is how me and them relationship? 

I imagine the UB routes they told me, that is exactly the same structure, because of that UB 5 Lords so famous, and Obama did step in UB alumni for the speech, he and trump sat in that classroom.

Maybe not the UB 5 Lords those craps they did on all your girls.

So do you see the guys sitting there to talk ?

You want to me to describe that again because I am not sure when I see my monitor, just one of you girl doing that, your Lords, suppose to open his mouth to see you coming in and talk to you?

Is that what your real assignments looks like?

Or its my monitor broken down?

Let me try about how me and the classroom UB 5 Lords meet ...we are all science major !

On the transfer year of my UB, I went to the advisor Carol offices to get my schedule. There is a saying she says evolutionary biology, not cell biology, because I already taken that in UK. So I was not thinking....until I sit in that classroom and regrets, why that is evolutionary biology, they are more than just Greek....Remember, my English was a Greek to start? 

Or you imagine I speak French in that any of the College department, I will sound like a professional charming?


So I met Andrew first, we walk together and every day to that class in Knox 20. I don't know Dean yet, Not Silas yet.

Silas has friends with him, they just happened to sit right behind me and Andrew, probably few rows behind. He is the first Lord I seen him in UB, or Seth, I don't remember how we met.

Wing and I were in Chemistry 105. WE walk together from the general chemistry lab TA session to the real Lab places. So its me and Wing knows each other. He knows whom Dean was? I don't remember anything about Dean, I don't even know whom that is.

I might meet Bill before Dean? Bill he uses Capen library computer. We say hi?

Wing was not sure about his major, he was going for the computer science, so I told him how to be charming garbage, he becomes my major? That is when we walking from TA lab session to one of those labs in NSC.

He is right across my bench, not next by.

So I think when Wing and me becomes the lab partner.

Do you see Dean anywhere? 

But I will tell you, I remember in that Knox, where I know Silas, Dean and Fatima, I think I have seen them walking through that front door.

That evolutionary biology, we have night lab. My lab was at night, I met Vincent or somewhere Seth shows up....They test those dissection speices, right outside the door, "right after" the night lab. Those are for sure Greek structure. 

I hate those things.

Do I mention Dean anywhere? He does not exist anywhere !!!

There are 2 semester we went to the basement of Dr. T class, to see Amy. There is Jonathon there we all learn how to use that excel sheet for lotto.

Wing, me, Jonathon. I see Jonathon there. 

Those talls guys I don't think they need those excel sheet for lottos, they never be there. So just few of us always be at the basement TA excel sheet session. People talk and get to know each other. Like me and Jonathon.

I will tell you, I don't remember when I know that guy Dean.

By the second year, which is my junior year, we have to take Organic Chemistry, Wing disappear, he went to 202. Dean his arm is on my chair behind. I remember that connection story.

But I don't remember how do we get to know that again? 

Maybe its the second semester, I talking to Dean? 

Anyway, Dean, Patrick and Bill were sitting on the right side of T class. Hira, Catherine, Fatima, and Me and Wing, and Jonathon, and Ola were all there. AT least to the second semester?

In Dr. Chambler's class, I think we have a regular class, but we change the classroom, but then we have afternoon tea class? I make them the basket of bread.

Not just to the Lords?

Do you want to re-done that, its when you will open your mouth to tell me, you see them coming in? To talk to you?

Me and Wing goes to the lunch sometimes at school, but when he got the girlfriend, I don't talk to him anymore. I see them both in Capen occasionally. How Wing selects his girlfriend Winnie.


Facebook comes alive

You don't remember when the Facebook started it? Its when me and them were in UB. So Dean told me to get on. There were a lot of people already using that Facebook, so Dean says use it.  I wait a while. I don't even know how many times he says. But one day I think he says that, I just thought, maybe all right, let me see what that is called Facebook.

So I went to add all the people I seen them in UB.

Right now, they are telling me, that is for the Medical Board, to see how you entry your beauty pageant MCAT scores? oh ~ If I would have my brain that time, to know that is what it is?

I don't have a lot of brain at that time I am telling you.

Do they tell you, your facebook going through MCAT? That is seriously how they do things? 

Everyday I am busy, I would know what's on my facebook?

So I was saying, you adding friends its you going on their profile to spy them? But they don't do anything on their facebook, so there is no news feed, so one day I drop all of them. No one is using the facebook. I am that simple brain. That is what I think.

Now I think, you going to their friends to see whom their friends?

No, I don't know how to do that.

Dean put his gf on the profile, then I seen those things. If you are saying, to see whom their names or the actual lists how Dean add them, I will tell you, I didn't go that far to see all that. 

What do I do with my facebook?

I just told you already. I am not using the facebook !!!!! You open and close? 

You know, if you start speaking French, to look like American, or Asian

You might truly understand I had a economic class, also has a TA session. That classmate we walked together was a Japanese. But that time, we don't have a facebook yet.

I live with one Megan white girl roommate, after that it was 3 Taiwanese girls.

Wendy, her sister, and Erin.

AT home, that is James's place. He is white old man. Thin.

Daniel they all came to my house, we eat there for fund raising. WE done the APO projects.


Do you want to re-define, you say, you only have an assignment outside your high school scope to not to tell me, "Its them don't add you back" on your facebook?

I think that is what you are all saying it....Are you an American?

I never seen White guys, I am an Asian?


APO stands for Alpha Phi Omega

They are doing the greek law things. Did I ever tell you? I sit there listening to all the greek that Keegan was saying? They are all law degree I think ....That is what they ever did we sit in one meeting for 4 longs hours, at that Student union second floor, the room right next to the stair going up to Seth's office on the third floor.

Me and Seth always bump to each other at that door.

Seth is always run out his offices, I am always in a hurry to go to APO. 

CAC I don't know for sure they can just go in there every day they want. But for APO, that is our offices, its after 5 oclock, you will see the door open, and APO people are always in there. Karen they cannot go there unless its Wedn. So its mostly APO we using that offices. We can just go there, in the afternoon after the class end. That is when people hang out. There are things we are go to, that's why its called Fratenity Greek Society.

You see APO, you thought they are like CAC clubs?

The club means, you gather together once a week.

APO Greek Society, are like every other Greek Society, they are fratenity or sorority, it just we don't have a fratenity house. We only had an office, that is where we go there for, we stay there for everything.

Fratenity, Alpha Phi Omega, we are co-ed

When you say, what you do in the fratenity? That is an American culture you hear about, everywhere, when you go the University. The English might be Greek, but gossip or rumors I still learn it from.

What APO does, those laws, the section, the article what...yeah Mike, Tom or Keegans, they are best doing that. They are all much older than us. Even the advisor groups. They were all much older. So their behavior is nothing like....we ever had in CAC or craps this people stealing each other stuffs on the monitor, you called them the classmate.

I don't really know how they become the APO before the year I got there. There must be a way, they becomes like that. I never ask them.

With fratenity, you go there to dinner, lunch....you talk to them at the dining table. That is pretty much every fratenity or sorority does. But APO, we do the community service a lot. Before we can be enrolled, I think there are requirements of how many hours we have to commit to the projects, and the social events, we be there to do.

Do you even know what is a fratenity culture that is a normal fratenity they go and drunk?

If you like those things, you should just go to asking what is the Greek Society so famous about. But I don't want that, so I check everything but that.

UB just happened to have one Greek society, that does not do that. 

Our fratenity, because we situate in Student union, they always know what is the activities in there SA lobby. Tom always will just tell us, or Huffman, whomever in that office APO. Like if you go there, and see them there, they will tell you, they are down stairs, you just go down stairs, and your APO people are right there, you stand there to find things out? Or you go to see things out? 

If I have more time....I just don't have all the times in school to do all that. But its a very friendly and nice things you join something, that people have more mature guys in there, they don't do those garbage things. They are actually working profession, they talk different too. 

APO is now they are telling me again, what they were saying those law things in the books, they meeting at, NOW its 20 years I speak English?

In my high school, my mother does have a tutor, I do daily conversation English. Meaning communication is fine. I understand his slow tone English.

When I get to High School, Whiteny Dean's High school, Kentucky, that ....I told myself every day, the next day will be better than the previous day. In one week, I told myself one week is already better than that week ago. I serious counting day to live by life. It is difficult.  Correct, that is Madrigal singing choir place. I go early to play piano. That is a skill, that is not English !!!!

When I got to UK, University of Kentucky, my international dorms are all Asian, Japanese, or Hong Kong girls. They are all girls, 4 girls +1 guy. So English however you speak, they are all okay. Its the UK English professor in SeTH UFO backstreet boy that video, that professor says, if I don't hire a tutor, she will fail me. I have very stressful year in UK, two English class.

Very very badly I live there. I sit in my computer like 8 hours to get those English sentence per sentence per words right, and I go to the English tutor, and again, she changes every line.

You have no ideas how bad I live in those time...one year. I spent money, I spent time, and UK they are hills...I travel by the roller blades with very very heavy cell biology textbook to get to their library. Its far....its by foot traveling in speed.

At that time, English nothing really improved I will tell you that much. I just need to get off that English class. I can do anything you tell me to do with gesture, skills, tests material like diagram, just not English. Those are Greek, I cannot stress you enough.... GREEK!

I took biology in middle school, UK those biology textbook are repeating something, I know the concepts, just not the English words, they use Thinkwell, that professor looks like Lahiri?

Those technical terms, I learn fast.

The correct way to say comprehensive formal writing English a paper, those are very very very very super Greek to me. 

No matter how I write...its every word, every phrase, every sentence my English tutor told me are wrong. 

Its very very very bad.

City of Hope, After broke up with Adam, from UK to California, transfering to UB, that summer.

Although that is not super greek, my uncle is greek in English himself. As long as that mushroom professor doesn't call me, I am fine. Everyone all sleeping in there. 

But one day I have to do that presentation. The girl I know, she was lucky, she does poster. Not Toby, another girl. In Dr. Bing Shen's lab, there is sofa area, sometimes many students just all sitting there having something a talk there.

I am telling you, the immigrant life...its greek to start life, you are speaking of the Academia institution, where your grades is base on the English proficiency.....

I will tell you, if you go to French, to re-start that life I told you me Anna does....you will see the real things. Not imagine you go to English to English world....and I will tell you, Western world you speak Flate notes. Chinese language they have 4 sounds.

To break apart your speaking words....that is by my brain power, or by listening power, what is that you are saying?


PCAT - Books in Barns & Nobles

They do this magic magician, to become charlaton Simon Cowell, to say cha-ri-ya, 

Do you know how last time I say, people preparing PCAT?


You collect your notebooks from page 1 to last...or textbook one semester....whatever that means, Dr T has his homework assignment. I just didn't speak to a real human, telling me, what is MCAT they do, to get my problems 16 years later...

Everything is pain and aches, on your face, I am telling you.

You know .... life sometimes, by yourself, one person you have no choice to be there, and make it. You will say you have no choice making it, but your character is define what you are, no matter what that situation putting you at.

Thing will pass, correct.

Time will cease troubles, correct.

Its your attitude will get you to where you become, in the future.

You always say, its always other people done to you. Its you care about everybody, that no one really cares about you. When you arrive to college, you arrive all the National collection of expert people that in 4 years, they will make of themselves somewhere and somehow. That is like City of Hope.

You make it no matter what. 



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