England Queen is important, her stuff is important, Prince Charles he is important.
They can just get rid of that two prince....
That is what it means, with those unmatching looking news, that Meghan get rids of all those Prince Harry Servant puppies and fired them? So insane of those women right liberty at all...
I wonder if Middleton father talking to Meghan MM's father....oh ~how lowly class should just die hanging on themselves every trace of it.....if those things were said true.
They fired Prince Harry near by all Royal Stuffs. They make it to the news, they become the new celebrity to sits in Hollywood.
oh ~
NSYNC - Gone, Senior Citizen
You know, Medical Board, what I used to say about this Tony, and nick, getting together Justin Timberlake telling me secrets.....not sure when I gonna tell Dean.
That is nick and me showing up their house, and Tony just one of those pushing ......his father nick went to take him off, too short, Tony is too tall, he swing, nick fall at the wall side head, and dead
Tony dead by being drunk and falls....that is 2 death of me one day there....
Carla scream....like NSYNC meant true every word.
How sad is this?
You ever heard those case, Medical Board? I have, I have a different schooling remember?
Pang, you want to get off that your cliff climbing things, your mother lives in the attics, we tear apart....and soon we might just re-design this Chinese Magic box....on this tiny roof?
I hope England Queen does not have seeing me running in this Chinese design magic box, what the birds says, what my window says, what the design all that says....
When Eben arrives, he will re-own everything? That is why he is here for? I have a lot of those free session stuffs why he is needed for? Maybe others already told him or he is that type he finding things out himself? Some people tend to live life happily, because they go and running things on their hands to throne there? You want to own things, Pang?
You are doing to keep that fraternity that little pride you have, or everything you ever had? Especially that little tiny University Michgian, what? What is that you do to written all things I read...I write Washington Daily post, not Michigian North West Daily posts....
When you will stop doing that rock climbing, trying to fall things?
I think you should be coming down, all this time, you didn't do anything I watching you keep doing what you are doing? These how many years now since....you learn things you suppose to learn your way, or you suppose to be told ways?
There is a district of Daan Fitness floor plans....I used to skate off Dean's shoes, that video....I lost all those video. 大安健身中心
Do you want to try to go there swimming, or roller blade, or Chinese badminton? No more this rock climbing, please? You can just got that off now.
Pang's resume, I have written that wiki classroom down long ago
I just flipping these pages I have, with tiny things you Jason Pang Jao on your resume. Did I say I write it them down, Pang? It carves in my memory, one time I write it through, for sure my IQ didn't get dropped.....
Jonas is the PHD in U of Michigan, you Penne is U of Chicargo MBA. How does that Rythme to Lee? He is U Penn. (Penne is a type of pasta....)
And you are Marketing, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship.
The way how I compare my resume to all your major big company to look over ...all your ever 200,000 salary human, I will tell you, my resume is zero. You done all things in life. I only just trying to ever live happy ever after.... life.
I cannot utter the right words, to ever put on my resume. I can generate a page, I think that was God's divine plan, I am telling you.
Kappa Alpha Pi (Pre-law)
Phi Sigma Pi (National Honor fratenity)
Where is you Pang, 饒邦大人 your original Fraternity Greek society that you have two little exactly the same name like Alex?
Its Beta Alpha?
You have which Greek words on sumble?
I have Alpha Phi Omega ! That is 3 letter words.
Pre-law, that is busy Eric's stuffs. Michigan Chem, that is Jonas PhD stuffs. Even Jonas is recently playing birds stuffs, I am telling you, Pang, huge giant bird, Jonas carrying them out.
Did I ever say it loud enough, which weekend, last weekend 2 weekend ago? The birds are about to land....
On whom shoulder, that kind of lower flying on camera routes?
You coming home with your friends, or with your groups, or with your school mates?
I am guessing, which Gates you are opening with your open arm to any of your friends? So say showing off?
oh no, i was saying 2018 those playlist, you are ready "to enter the seating area", I didn't say, those seat are prepared it yet....
You know, I didn't have a resume to go and see Linda, in CADS SUNY Buffalo. I didn't bring another resume to see Simon. That is after 2014 I am not supposed to be working ever again, on that every tiny little statement my headache hurts to get those comma, title, label writes in English. Its called "Resume", in Chinese, I know that word, do you know spelling "resume" its not that easy, or to say? That is a different kind of English vocabulary. There is a su in it.....
Taiwan Law groups on 101 case, One Legal case, 台灣法律社團一個101 檔案
Do you know if you have someone like third grades to train in that law case, by the time 20 years, like 911 20 years before and after....they know that 20 years before 911 and 20 years after 911? Not 2014, was 15 years after 911? I showing up publicly on Keanu stuffs?
我說在九一一的前面 20 年後跟後面20年,如果說你們現在三年級有一個學生管你們 101 台灣法律訴訟問題 ... 有點像我在 2014 上來公眾網路李維的事情 ...叫做什麼時 911的前面 20 年跟後面 20 年~你們會不知道我在說什麼嗎 ?
Taiwan only knows how to fight all that stuffs, when that one 101 has to remain or tearing down...how sad, really.
大概至少學點國際觀,叫做這一整篇三年級只看得懂中文開始 ..或是別人念給你們聽得關係 ...知道我在講什麼~一整篇的饒邦大人,你們只看得懂這一小段關於你們的 101,法律部門的建設起源你們三年級開始大概 ....叫做下面 20 年....
1. 一個 101
2. 一個花千骨地表 (不算我做尊上好了)
3. 一個赤河魅地表
三年級的找工作的那種履歷表,光三件事情就非常豐富,不是嗎 ? 你們以後是要幹嘛 ? 做人不需要太貪心 ~!!!
Does you Jason Pang Jao facebook has this Austin Swallow mother, and Leo, Nancy's mother, Jewish Father?
Do you want to add them before that is too late, then 2018 you suppose to start? We are in 2022. No, I won't add you stuffs, apparently that entire page, called Black and White, they running around, to tell me why that started the first friend Black and White?
Does you Jason Pang Jao, could just tell them, like emailing one of them? They know why your profile, is not like Stephen Tamang, or all of you trying to get jail together?
You don't have a palace, Pang. You have a Chinese magic box, and the last thing was to see any Patent if were again like Nick's Cooper tale their road riverside ...water, pound....
When people like you and Austin, and Leo, to find life to be ....Palace life, you tend to tell me you have no more friends, is that the correct way to say?
Austin and Leo they have a better housing?
Pang, you have a better roadmap, like better location, just small tiny house?
If you could just start to communicate and talking to them two, Austin or Leo, I don't really care what you ever talked about beside that Computer games, at least you are talking to open your mouth to sound like that both Austin and Leo probably will tell me, they both for sure like you Pang, are ABC, but they only understand and comprehend better in Chinese, like your Dr. Bing Shen?
Where is him? He in jail, you ever check it?
Next to that Ancient Chasez, Crimson Love Letter bound City of Hope....
Why don't they just say City of Light, so much hopes in it .....
Austin, Leo, and Pang, your 3 height about the same, right? All watching Conan Detective? 他們看得懂中文叫做柯南節目還在台灣? 他們住在台灣嗎 ?
Pang, you know when you 3 are just absolutely useless to ever one day getting married true tales be told....three guys like you heights to say IQ in the brain was fake ADD....They are your mother's friends stuffs, so its almost equal your mother's stuffs, like friends and family, together to gather, if one day, they are all cancer dead, I am telling you on TV...
Your Pang's mother is ET, that suppose to be immortal that means.
Do you tell them your uncle Dr. Bing Shen is in City of Hope, and there is a case in Conan, its their mother or the father reading in the English, to sound right in Chinese, so they both to understand what is 柯南"唐紅的戀歌" ! 還是 "純黑的夢靨"?
他們是需要知道,不需要知道,順便知道,你饒邦大人入席儀式叫做不知道什麼時候東西垮下來 ....還是蓋起來? 想像一下未來在哪個方向閃耀暖暖?
島上的夢靨 ....
You don't do math.
You don't do science.
You don't do geography.
You don't do Ancient Chinese literacy.
You say you imagine you singing ....unsemble.
You don't jump, flip, bounce
Which pre-law classs you ever take again? To Join a pre-law fratenity?
I have two law class, they opening for undergraduate only in UB. Two law classes, Family law, and Cosumer laws.
You Pang called Austin or Leo, to tell them, in front of your house, that is whole street, 何家慶 信義房屋的 Jump, flip, bounce....three letter words? Why Anna keep saying it all loud enough? Its every 11 oc'lock at night outside street, not inside house Facebook ? It might be even your vision issues, you cannot see a line of red traffic light! One straight line? How magnificent that actually look?
You don't know what is everything turn to red traffic lights?
That is when you standing right there, you wonder if he 何家慶 did that inside the 信義房屋 ! Wing cannot possible be here to doing all that, with his name on top of that 何家慶 stuffs?
He was 23 2018, how old is this guy now? That is 4 years now? Like you Pang needs Austin, Leo, to go and talking to this Ryoya Takashima...he plays cello???
You know, there are a lot of things, you could do it yourself, to pretends those things I Anna, your sister never touched it...I have enough my own stuffs to dealing crisis, at all? You stare at each other, to imagine all 3 looking like on photo taken, that Taiwan has this famous wedding salon studio whole street your Disney cousin 方方 would know?
This Austin destiny is getting his Family business bankcrupt, his cousin is doing it, they are on news to be jail....Pang, and you talking to Leo, he is an ADD, he probably has no more food or water, one of those days?
So what you three planning to on days? Doing nothing? Leo's father is from Iseral, so the Bank vault is in Swiss, I at least knowing that, not in Iseral, but I am sure they got one of those banking system, not just Buffalo Bank vault is in Keanu Reeves movies, called Henry's Crime?
How you all gonna live without parents, dying out, money, food, and water?
Justin Bieber and that Shawn are like 1998 that kind of stuffs. Bieber is older...but Leo is only 4 years younger, and Austin is one year older? Pang you are 1990 stuffs?
How old can these things to be, those Bieber and Shawn gonna die on drugs one of those days....
You Pang doesn't need to talk to your ET mother, but they two Austin and Leo needs to talking to their both parents, they got "BOTH" parents to sound like they haven't got themselves on the street living, yet?
You Pang wants to try again this 4 years, I never say, you never do?
Its when you prefer me to say and do your stuffs, like you are on an assignment? Right ....So what...I wait you another 3 months, those people on Digital Era, Eben stuffs, and you all 3 would be, on what stuffs? User access right?
Even England Queen might get an access, just trying to see the page "Test 123"?
So you 3 cannot make yourself own page, to say the Tiers layers, to spell Tier 1, 2, 3 on singing unsemble?
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