
If Mark Chao or Wallace or this Pang's 1 or 2 .....guys plays him 霍建華、趙又廷、楊洋是吧 ? 還有誰? 長的很像....烈火如歌的 ~

Do you know whom these people are? You all killing each other before you meeting at the conference office rooms, to walk to ABC Cooking Studio in 101?

Do you actually look online what is this 101 ABC Cooking Studio !! Are they doing that on purpose?  There are 10 painting right on that floor, and you have to find where...to go up for that ABC studio? 

Does your father 你們的爸爸

Does your uncle 你們的叔叔

Does your cousin 你們的表堂親

Drive you, not walking you to this 101....on map, to accompany shrinking all human step by step to all you blind human inside the mall to find this Cooking Studio?

You want to try with your own family, your own ABC world, your own classmates, your own Asian friends overseas, in Taiwan? 我同學都是白種人~他們不住在這裡的 !! 不是你們 加州 ABC 大人 ...

You want to feel it, how to cooking competition how your uncle, your father, your cousin, might not just lose all your faces, if you all 3 groups playing those scripts right, or you give them time to watch for 52 weeks on 3 scripts.

1. 我不是購物狂

2. 杉杉來了

3. 烈火如歌

Not Flower Thousand Bone, that is too long ago, no one remembers that stuffs ....Why you decide you would cook them, or someone else a meal, right?

In this entire world, there is only one island, has this 101 building, to even have a label, on ABC

How ashameful things that could ever be concluded all this time....

What do I think what happened to Disney 方方? You mean the Victoria Secrets, where my father meets his father at the last seats? Or you mean they just watch that Victoria Secrets on Weekends, to say, that is the bare eyes to look, before the last seat?

I actually don 't know what do they see that ! 方方 has a cousin 表哥

Maybe because if he does a business for real, that gluten free restaurant suppose to get to Ryoya Takashima, to pass by.....that kinds of business networks. I have no ideas when he or they getting their first called when I am online starting from 2018 Jan, confronting Wallace Huo 霍建華 and then that 烈火如歌 coming on line, and I was not told until June that year, I think, that is not the first thing I knew about, they are on the TV!!!

方方 her parents are separate, so, if they are not separate ...they will be the lucky charmed like you all, coming to say, you all have both parents, and both our parents are divorced ! She needs that her family to bind together. That is in her own mind to look pretty. She has a lot of this.....if the TV becomes real, she just thinks, that life has to go on her glorious moment, that parents stay together to look cool !!!

She needs a lot a lot a lot of that !

Like she needs a perfect family, and she will behave, exactly that means.....why my parents they divorces, and hers are perfects ! 

Some people never grown up !

Its one thing one life, you see how everyone goes about life. So TV is not all that meant, you just put your feeling and life away, to live like a zombie means ! 意思就是你們活的像殭屍就可以了 !!  I don't think you all functioning right in life, right now. Money is the biggest thing you know about life, but what you really need right now, its to find your momentum, that choices how you stay in your profession, and do the things to arrive that chance, your future, you will look after yourself, and by making some friends with some past merits, like

The junkie Pang's father...he had a school, you all finding each other's needs, and help each other to lean on that girls power, if you group right together. You are someone's sister all together. If you work together right, that long way, you finding support in that one groups, you could call each other, you could message each other, you could outing together. You could find something each other needs, to trying to be a decent human, when one day, your parents will say goodbye!

No I won't tell you to be with any of those guys. They will not take any of you, to behave one meal of 1000 days they getting that call...really. its every day a meal, if you be with a guy to cook, to tea, to make fruits, to cut to peel to trash bag out ~~~ a lot of works when you living together !

In America, or wherever you all are

Don't you go to the conference, or seminar, to get your professional networks talk? Do you do those presentation at the hotel big grand venue? Your own professional works? Do you join any organization, you could rise up your position, or in salary? Why don't you do that too?

Meeting in Taiwan, its when your father thinking all your family relative getting killed by your food probably.... not in 101 ABC cooking studio !!!

I think be the professional like you are working on your career goals. A lot of people are working on that professional goals, you know ?!! 

So everyone has to work for the money, not getting together, you all girls brain figure it out the lotto message, or the lotto secrets, or the lotto numbers, to find out how to win that much millions all together? 

You just heard that TV reals. Some works people behind have to put line by line, words by words, statement by statements....so that we will have a future references....in Chinese or in English !!!! 

I will tell you, the lists for which you have to do right now, just you hearing all that, are too stressful, not to say, step by step you and your family to argue whom your sibling with, to whom you all get together and kill each other in your own home....and you go back to your professional works places, and your facebook....

And, some day, you call each other whom....on the facebook, to sound like there is a plan.

Your uncle, your cousin, or your father?

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....