
I used to have a photo with you 小龍 | I tell you, if you lose that like Lauren, where you will end up?


You are a Christian, or you just trying to be a religion near by, but says drugs here you go, weaken ADD gangsters high school sweet seventeens are cool, sounds too cool?

What is that Fox Races? 九尾狐~? 狐狸精? oh no ! 

如果家慶還是鴻凱,聽到這全部東西 ....像說商鞅跟妲己? 喔~  No ! 

I am not setting you all up, for the wrong purpose. You are on the same age bracket, if you want to change your own values and karma, this is the time! You be the loyal friends of theirs, you provide opportunities, you show up like a Wall Flower, you just be the Wall vase standing there, no one paying you attention and you 小龍 just still smile there ! 

Do you know what or how bad the karma is that? You afraid hell, or you just unhappy your current life? You could strive to get out of that name, if you just give up your own pride, and making everyone a slave.

That is a no and no. Professional people will find out what Sariputra are saying, if my saying is not complete !!!

💖💝💞 People like some girls, they are only looking at the money, to say, their freer lifes, or perfect life ! So when they meet a legal standard, there are a spelling a whole Sailor Moon problems, or if that really becoming a problems.

💖💝💞 People are limited in the skills or friendship, or capability, on that experty, to say ....why they are afraid all the time. When some people are afraid, they don't find an exit, they become like Tony, does all kinds of things, hurting their parents, hurting me none stop ! 

💖💝💞 Some people work together, so we can have a society, never its you one person ever make millions dollars on lotto, and you say goodbye to the world, that no one cares about you, and what your attention would be, if you have the millions dollar in your pockets?

Do you wish others to have a happier life than you are?

Like what religion were you again? Being a Bible Christian? Were you here, I say about the things that girls do in their life, for the money causes, no matter what?

They pine for the attention, but mostly the money ! That is for sure the only language for this liberal women right, so highten world. They say they are in love, and they do this...eyelash curls in their eye sight, shorter than the guys, so they look up, the guys looking down.

And they say they getting hurt inside, true. I know that.

But they are hurting everyone around unknowingly what they intend to do, "The reality of the money, its everyone speaking of professionalism! Period ! Not me choices, its my clients they wish to find out ! So we wait !" 

Hell awaits, and they have clients? 

yeah ...

Half Eternity, will look worse than that....小龍 

Not everyone entitle the blame, because i give some tolerance to that nature, the guys should be soften, their IQ a little bit higher, and they never have a period pain, or that must carry a kid, to born, an dealing inside....like all the karma factor putting it together !

You know ....I say cooking only, you know !!!

我好像只有真的只有說煮飯~給你們自己吃如果你們爸媽走了之後耶~~叫做買完你們需要自己在家裡一個人孤獨的人生如果,你們現在開始尋找錢 .... ... 我有多少哪種東西沒? 

沒有耶! 你們爸媽走了之後叫做你們如果再也沒有,七天煮菜七天吃自己的家~叫做省錢,做點叫做在也沒有人帶你們出去吃飯了 ...那種非常孤獨可憐的人生,你們現在不開始,是哪時候開始呢? 叫做我都在做呷咪? ~~~ ! 你們跟鴻凱還是家慶是不可能的 !

我從來沒有說試試看 ... 不可能的東西只是說,你們多加了哪個女的‧你們以後叫做安那覺得

那是饒邦爸的業障,是他媽說的"生辰八字" ...所以業障長的某種樣子,安那說了一些東西,叫做未來的方向可能會在哪裡 ! 你們女孩子黏在一起,至少叫做,你們有點彼此互相的希望,不管路途多遙遠? 我有曾經說你們有可能的機會嗎 ?


Are you happier than before? Do you have more the reason about this future of your current life is not pathetics?

A room of full girls there, from Pang's father's bad Karma....all his friends are girls to add up, this one room, all of you to become one day friends each other "on line apps" or on Facebook. Do I say anything about the possibility with 家慶 or Annca?

No! I say that very clearly....

Its an impossible future, not that you ever needed to try, ever.....~~~~~!!!

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