
I think 志豪 he is in New York City, the one age bracket relative to Irene, and Irene's brother. They are living one floor up or below together, on the Top Roof too !

So this guy 志豪 he is my cousin, Tina's cousin in New York City, they are all there. With Wendy.

So He and Irene, and Irene's brother, are 3 packs of their age groups, they are older too.

I met him in 2010. He supposed to learn English when he was in Colorado, USA, for this college degree long time ago. Right now he is a waitor in New York City. He and Irene's brother are Sheep year, in Chinese. Much older than all of us. So saying, this guy 志豪 I met him 2010 we eat at Loving Hut, because that is their parents have a legal fights for the inheritance, I met my own cousin, his name is 志豪 Colorado.

So if he and my brother Pang, to that Kail is the third in line....I say there is a degree of Irene's sexuality determined, whom got the throne on the head, with the crown? Whatever that means, because 志豪 father used to not dead...but dead after he was born one year, so his entire family wealth situation just so happened, after 30 years, they are ceases to exist.

Happened like Austin's family. No more money ! I think I have his photo ...wait ~!

Talking about you all better not to get to that Zawanna or Kail things, but trying to cook each other's meal, including learning English? Like some Classic ideas being a little bigger worlds than this small tiny island? By speaking some English first? Not small tiny minded?

Cooking for them a tiny better meal, they won't die, no matter what? 

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 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....