
Hunger Game


🍟🍟🍟 People often see life as the sad events, often they make an excuse why there is no person understand them inside out.
Their IQ is small, or their heart is small, that everything with everyone are all targeting at them.
At their look
At their word
At their social inadequate when the jobs does not delivered.
Meaning your IQ isn't high enough to get anything you want.
Everyone in this life, has a desire. Most people in this life, are looking for attachment, what Buddhist teaches you terms.
Christian, is where you started at the Service to Humanity like Handikan Babaji taught you all.
How many pages can that Bible written? Parable, story, and lessons about the wise words they say to you, life after life Kingship of the Kingship.
In this modern society, you look around you, you envy, you jealous, you hope, you pray, you pine for....those are mundane world people does, with the legal law, they expect you never doing ilegal act.
With the spiritual groups, you just never make it to let's Top 10 ideas....in any life to any evolution here or later.
You are far from spiritual, you are only trying to get your IQ open, at modern society, that legal system allow you to pine for everything in the material physical existence.
In this SMCH teaching, of the 5 World, 13 syallbus planes of consciousness, everyone knows what is the small heaven, and big heaven, that is beyond 3 worlds.
After 3 World, your soul are Free.
Do you know what is a person being Free?
Free of desire, free of attachment, free of ...whatever they say.
Except in today's Earthly existence, they only seen the words, read the words, heard the word, they thought ought to be, but not quite someone showing it to them....that is not suppose to be, if you put your face next by sing a song, its everything you heart ache, you care about Dean, you care about song, you care about Wallace plots he married someone else....all those spelling lawful action to your heart justification.
oh ~~you really hurting it.
Wallace just a useless actor to pretend me pathetic guard...oh my God. I scream? IQ equal zero, him and Keanu.
That is what Magician does, you look at the Buddhism sequence, what do they say, I used to have?
So you are at the stage, facing death.
Not small heaven...forever not big heaven.
When you are not beyond the 3 worlds, you are reincarnate life after life.
And when Yogananda says you fallen...its like 400 lifes...you never make it, to the Master feet, every again.
AT least that is what he meant to say, to any of his disciple, if he is that psychic means he knows those words, or that is the classify re-editing the information from ET.
They put some stuffs, that is very important, and I believe it.
People like I said....only searching for a fashion of lifestyle, not really when they encounter a situation, they will let go.
In America, you are very lucky, you are free to become successful, if you just get up on time, make a discipline habit, and retify your behavior, and Christian saying Service to Humanity, your trait of inner beauty will shine forth, all those attachment you will feel less.
That life after life if you reborn in American from ET seeding lifes...they say they capture souls, okay?
They put it back where it belongs, that you stand inside America, you can do life after life just one service to humanity, no matter how hard that is, your heart retify life after life, eons after eons....
if you just agree to Y2K system to side with Ameircan, you will never fallen to God's sight.
But you don't really know what that mean, why American so important....its the only chance you being selected by their choosen, if staying in their land, no matter how hard the life gets, no matter how trouble it means, you ignore your heart aches and pain, you just focus on that service to humanity.
One day, that day will come.
When you say, that time will come.
You know eons after eons, you started the first thousand lifes to be an American.
Not you become Buddha the first life, to say Indian 500 years old, that is all he grant....you gamble one life, to say eternal....you started to small, you wish to get there, humbly to serve that service to God, like your own Bible says.
You fail your life ...when you could gain so much more...that is very pity, you could have make yourself a jewel in the capital !!!

Do you see all the ADD on the side? Its just 5 mins to stand there....
5 mins.....capable !
Do you know what they ADD made of?
Right put in the arena, on all side....you will never had one single incidents.....its all calculated to be there !!!
ADD arena!!!
Called security breach !
It will NEVER Happen!
Doing these race car things long enough, you make a whole world an ADD places to be !

You do not know what that means, you will not have one single incident if ADD are all trained to be prince, show up there, under my command...
Its all your stuff you don't want to train anyway.....

Not one security people like police will ever need to worry, in one football event, one concert event, one Olympia...

You don't know what that means do you?
Like all those race car Japanese meant.....

 You should believe it.....what kind of civilization elsewhere, if American lose it me all....

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....