
三生三世十里桃花 ! Eternal Love, I sleep outside the room, on the patio, but might be tree right there, if you see it. 我說我在 Balcony 像說一樓的那種 Patio 旁邊有樹 ...根

The first frame. 第一張解圖 

There are a lot of things you may not if they are true at all. You just go by what its convinience for you to say ! 

很多東西很多人其實也不道對與錯 ...你們只是 go by 什麼是最方便的講呀 !

你們不覺得什麼是最方便他們自己的解釋嗎 ? 那你們反正也沒有意見,不是站著沒有意見,真正見面絕對不會有這種意見,但是這人都還沒有見到,或是見面,所有人就已經 conclusion 完了~你們家長講這種中文英文混在一起對你們來說,意義會變成什麼



" 假設 the circumstance to become, 有時候不是你們真的 voluntarily believe or not believing it, its just the 心頭受的血像電視劇本的講, but there are time really just others people hearsay, to make an art....因為錢其實是拿去賣的關係, but these things are not really in America popularity on your facebook, you become something in small tiny Taiwan, here....its not you don't show up,  究其實沒有照片卡住很多..節,自然就沒有東西送到美國呀 ! 叫做演千金,他們其實也沒有真的說這饒邦,是什麼饒邦大人,演了什麼小齣小戲的 ...王八蛋劇本 ! " 

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....