
Do you want to go to England because, you plan to go in, their mingle groups, upper class, upper social events? Meaning you are from public American or represent military you go there be charming ?

Are you planning to go in their circle?

The upper class?

The family between the family? I don’t think you are thinking that issues why you going to England ?

You want to go becoming their friends, like doing a business with or you mean the long terms family friends near them?

I use tell French first saying I know French …before we quit talking because of UN.
Then if I say I know flat …that’s you going to speak British English?
That’s Simon right?
He used to have a girl judge for Chinese food I say her money….she didn’t speak a word I make sense …that’s the British you go to?

You always prepare something for Queen, Prince, 123 and Prime minister.

In case you see them. You can prepare a story, a gift, or a talent, just like you social before, when you join a groups of people you have a way to participate ?

I just didn’t go to them, but you can just go to their facebook. You leave a reason why you talking them with a correct statement, they will be notified you are on their facebook fan page !!

I think if England Kitchen they tells you several story you can send in recipe, they create and they like it, they will tell them to try?

Just make people happy to shares stuffs? It’s every day we living and try out new things I love life to show what you like about ? Food, drinks, decoration, gifts, wrapping stuffs all around, Christmas trees?


For example, you see how many video from that chef, there is some more emphasis points. Tell me how would you approach these?

I anna will go and re-watch them again, line by line. Right now I don't have all those times, I only just say the first impression for Wing, to go and tell his parents, and delicate something, like a festivity everyone does, for the Queen. Its just a fun thing they participate from my friends.....

You like some activities, you go and collects your friends, and do something this coming Feb at AGT, American Got Talent, Simon is still here? In AGT shows? Sometimes he goes to TV executive, you check on those flash out words says? Prince Harry is in California?

Queen just make that Christmas video in the last month, its all broadcast to the media. The journalists I think they are always the one spread their wings all around, those festivity, that is what they usually go. 

You dress yourself, you polite yourself, and you present your skills, and the story politely....

I got tight up too many this civil court cases, including criminal cases, how many of you all wish to represent me anyway? You say Anna is busy....every day its the lawsuit day, that is what her only days, she says she willl ever be, for the religious leader to sound better. Its to go to the court all the time....

I think you should just focus on the story from your side, not my story, because they all know if you say it wrong to me Anna story.....too many people practice saying it....

If your idea is to put me in front of you all the time, one day I will become God. Seriously....

Business consultant, that is Eben's job, Craig's their ETR jobs. 

That is not Sitesell, okay? 

Those are targeting keywords methods, you learn writing to create a simple site, that you deliver a clear content given structure website lay out. People going in, they know if you deliver the content right to where the customers listening to your products or service.

That is not what Eben does. He knows what is the keyword search or keyword targeting, but you go to Eben or you go to ETR Craig, Mat, R guys and Masterson, you go to them speicifically for? 

What do they do in their chosen field? No, they are not in my field. We are not in the same field, I never talk about their field. 

They are business people, they make business.

You understand what I say? They build up clientele and connection and Eben or Craig, they talk to their clients to make their world better. They read books, they subscribes others people's information, they circulate some Top information from the connections where they receive from and they share with them.

Do you know some people whom are business major?

No, I have not asked Eben, what does he do in his every day life? I could see it? He writes newsletter.


No...newsletter is one of the communication ways, Eben constantly with ETR them to send out to their clients in the email. The clients will remember them when every once a while connect to them. But most bigger and top clients, I think they just have Eben's personal phone number and call them up. That is the correct ways of doing the business. Not the newsletter.

You are saying the business, do you get a clear idea, why you use the Internet to shrink the times, the physical mails arrives to their clients home?

So the newsletter is not the business?

You building up an audience, whom wish to receive some information from you, and if these driven web traffic people found out they want to stay with Eben, they will keep their connects to that email lists, so occasionally they open that email or not, when they have time. 

When they read through those email, they found out what it is useful to them, they will call Eben's teams, there are people working for Eben, you see them in the groups? They will arrange coaching session to solve every problems those business owners have.

There are a lot of methods you do business

Do you even know what kinds of business you wish to think about, or read about? Flower shop business? 

Do you do Amazon business? Small home business?

I used to know a guy or a kid, they do Zapper. Something curezone they required. Its like 10 dollar USA, its a device they make, and you hold both hands to kill parasites. I bought it ! That is a home business. They create that device, and they put in those plastic easy bags, and they mail it to you. One day their family situation gets better from that business. That is long time ago.

That is a very simple home and cheap business. They don't need to go to Eben.

Let's say...Warrior Forum. A lot of this Click Bank, or Paypal these online service, where you store your money, and you wire to buy the digital newsletter, I have bought a kid, he was like teens age, he wrote 3 column newsletter, and he re-write that Google annoucement I think somewhere that is a public data. There are Google saying things, and he goes to extract that information and he puts into a very simple systematic columnist newsletter. I bought it.

Everyone has a Word document, you re-formatting that layout, you have a written forms of a documents. You convert that in PDF, which is in the MS Word itself, you have a product.

I used to make some of the ebook cover, you upload that link and document to the correct hidden URL, you can make a living, if your subscribes accumulated 1000 customers, and 100 of them buying that one publication.

That is how that kids makes his world in Warrior Forum.

That is a home business kinda of, you sitting at home, you write a newsletter, and you find a way people will buy your information. Lots of people doing that. But what others people do was, they become a public speakers, they actually come out the house, to interact with the public, and they build up that more "live" customers base, and they connect with the phone or Zoom today.

In person session, I think still most business owners prefers to see.

You probably just pretend to be like Prince Harry, maybe his grandmom goes and read his English to see if his content to whichever sitesell he tries out, that makes sense to her.

Its just a try out, to see if you deliver a clear content.

Like Prince Harry decide which niches he will talk about. It could be a flower shop, it could be Calligraphy, like his wife does.

I put that on Tina's ideas....she gonna get jail, so I re-done, to become my own calligraphy? 

The things are, you try to make a clear paragraph after paragraph saying. You ask others people to read it through. That is called "Content writing"

Your design website, like those image effects or color gradient, that is more skillful webdesign they do that. 

You could start with the content. You deliver a clear, concise to the point, and why the people see it they don't click away, and if you make a sense of yourself, what kind of business you are writing about.

Maybe Queen will see what Prince William and Prince Harry they both try, a keyword target idea.

Not just they focus on driven that traffic to their sites. They both already have the followers fan. They just need to deliver a content. If they wish to see if the Google search engine, by the public free roaming those google search done effects, that is how good their writing skills, and focus content that others stay on their page.

These are invisible effects, meaning completely base on your writing to keep the visitors stay on your site.

Let's say Prince Harry he finish a website, and he throw that online, live.

Someone goes to that link, by typing "How to find a rose boquet on the valentines Day"

If he wrote that page so well, the visitors stays on that page more than 10 seconds, and then so much that visitor just bookmarks that page, and keep coming back. When Prince Harry accumulate his visitors like 60,000. Like I used to have those statistic, 80,000 or 100,000 per page click.

That is called Traffic you generate.

Then in that 5% of the real number visitors, you see if you can convert to the real sale's page, meaning they buy Prince Harry service without knowing that is his page.

That is how that really say, on Sitesell.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

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