
清海無上師 Supreme Master Ching Hai 越南小尼姑 ( In English )

So did you tell your German doctor, you getting married in 1997 with a guy on the video to that entire Buddhism, and Taiwan anyone put you in jail, by breaking the precepts, or those are just an act?

Or you and him never talked again?

Its you and that guy to play the Sailor Moon and Earth Prince?

Nick told me, your Vietanese people often going to him, to sent him gifts? And he meant you have sex too...one of those talks to me all the time.

How does he getting that idea, you as a nun, you went to for sure having sex behind?

All those money cannot contain your heart, so mix with the sex symbol it makes your initial looking great?

Because that is called Cults?

And does that Slovenia people, or polices networks for sure tearing apart the Sailor Moon and your Internal Disciple networks, how cults works under their eyes, they can answer me, do you have sex or not ?

Why nick has those saying, you having too much  money, at the end day, you ends up just like the Bible saying you are the prostitute on the Beast?

Did you tell that guy, what's that beast meant? 

This long days of cult methods....let's see....you have to act for that OU langauge, now people know you have to rehersal behind, to that every sound and letter, and words, by precision must getting right including "sigh"

So they looking at my notebook, knowing you practice.

Dr. Steven saw that too.

Meaning, a lot of this stage performance, behind, someone training you on the TV, you never say, you are being trained?

And is this too strict on your liking?

So that time 90s, you did a brave act on saying someone pointing the gun at your head, when you go to do this Vietanese refugee stuffs to SAVE your own people with your own money.

Where is this dead all land Vietnam?

My cousin is over there. Maggie's husband daugther.

You know that?

The bloodline girl, that vanish from the VS that video. She does not exist. She has a nickname, hovering hovering, or floating floating, or beauty beauty?

So under all this training, of all watched, since that 30 years ago....to today, you are telling me, there is not one act soothing to your soul, speaking to your mind, that any of that, you just refuse to do it all, as the nun?

isn't that right?

Where is that 子歇 guy I calling him on the video, that someone finding him here?

Or he is a monk, he cannot be online?

Do you want to tell 大頭 German doctor how to write his Chinese name, or telling him, how hard its the hardship to do all this rehearsal talk on the TV? There is not a thing you EVER EVER wish, will ever do, as the little vietanses short nun?

Including telling your Father, how proud, you done it all that for 30 years? 

If that both of them agreeing no matter how they turn upside down, the Da Vinci Notebook, and your OU language has an initial to all that 25, 26 things Anna says Ison Ison, that is 2 intersection points on the comet 2013, they will know that is a make-up language, there is no such things as the Original Universe? 

So you must never tell lies, that is someone handing it to you?

And you have to deliver as your television says?

Is that the same thing like Indian 500 years old, you met, or you make-it-up someone told you to say?

Anna cannot get close to your quarter in Flower Thousand Bones, to find it out from you, so that two of them can finding all the answer and tell me to tell everyone?

Do you SMCH like the birds, the pets, the dogs, the swam?

You want to tell 大頭 and Dr. Steven, that is not an act, or those are annoying too?

They have to have care takers, and they are all there watching you to live life?

So when you talk about the animals on the TV up to now with the best selling Amazon animals book, with dogs with birds, you become acquaint to Anna's pet? 

Or your German Doctor will tell me, you don't have your College transcript, or you don't have a past, now he is hearing too many past of this....you surely have a presence after you could just bribe your disciples for friendship for the photographs? All that SMTV, like you, are ABC?

Do your late husband, German Doctor 大頭 reading English fine?

Does he feel the way how he looked at the photo just like he used to?

Just like Dr. Steven feeling too....how we are all used to be?

What we are all becoming, like Simon Cowell says on that American Idol Farwell, with Ryan?

or your face is way too red, to even talk about it?

I have to do a Red Mark Ink Highlights ....

Buddhism want to tell me something?  How life is not meant to breath, just by hearing at it....

只要聽到就不需要呼吸的那種 ....佛教說呀 !



知道也不用呼吸呀 !

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