
Red River Manga, Chinese name in my time was: 赤河魅影

赤 = red, or poke, or throb

河 = River

魅 = Nakia's niece...



Last word is Shadow.

So you all display the people's face = 所以你們把所有的臉給擺起來了?

I know Nakia's sister is Dark Prince wife or gf = 我知道皇太后的妹妹在黑王子那邊

The dead one, I think its Queen Nakia's niece, right? =我說死掉的那一個是皇太后的姪女對吧 ?


Some of this details I don't remember, is she wearing the head band like Zawanna? = 有些故事的情節我不記得了~她是不是有戴頭上的那一條戴子? 像 Zawanna?


The dead one is in the 7 gf that one right? Nakia's niece. 我說七妃之戰的那一個死掉的是皇太后的姪女對吧 ?


Which girl has the head band? The Dark Prince gf or Nakia's niece?

I got confused.






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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....