
Probably, its better you tell Craig, because Masterson he will listen, what you tell Craig, that you say, Anna say, its better you have a public stage performance experience

Like every single day in Elementary School, or Kingdom Garden.

Go games, they ....sit there to compete, they have groups of guys, standing all around the go game board, with you and your opponent in that space, they are gluing next to you.

You fear or public, or people.

That is probably Eben was saying the pre-interview questions? I didn't tell nick all that, or...no one knows what was my past?

I used to be a band, but we stand in front of the school every single day. The instrument I show you. We have girl scout uniform. We have a regular school uniform.

Although high school, those popularity like volleyball groups, or basketball groups, I never say...You know, if you become something starting when you are young, those are still probably very true, I just never talk about it.

Like "JC Always", there are people behind glasses?

You are adjust to that attention, when you are walking in the 3000 girls school? One Blonde hair? 

I did a lot of a lot of a lot of glorious things in early education time.

I really did.

So when I go to college, I quit doing all that. I retired....

its CAC girls they go to do the events coordinating jobs. I never take any position in the clubs anymore. 

Jonathon does all those jobs in the chess club, he never asked me, but he gives me a title, he put on the paper. No, he did all the works himself

If you have some experience starting young, your tolerance to some pressure its, you like the public. 

You want to find a kid, that they are not really mountain born, to stay inside the mountain. Not that kind.  No, not every kid the same. Your family your parents that shape you in the education, its best, they put you through some talents works. There are a lot of difference.

When you prone to human, or people, you don't do cruel things on them.

You like people, you like human, you really naturally believing in God, that human should not be hurt, no matter what. You say compassion, you say love....all those words.

I think you have some money, some comfer, some tolerance people that treating you, because you are kind to them....you make some friends, and you treat people with friends, to naturally to go out and have friends....you don't do cruel things to people...

I repeat this too many times.

I really mean it.

Most people don't associate with cruelty people do to others.

I have to run that 5 Lords reviews. I know what's the cruels, people can do to people.

oh no...not this world. 

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