
⭐️⭐️ Justin, have you been to Dean's house in Hamburg? ⭐️⭐️ For Thanksgiving?

 I went to Karen's house or used to be Kentucky house, for Thanksgiving dinner.

One of the things, they do with the Thanksgiving, its to be thankful to Turkey.

For the Vegetarian.....there are Stuffing.

They use celery. So which part of the Turkey, you stuff the stuffing in?

Like Adam & Hailey, no one expect them ever make a thanksgiving dinner.

That is the suffying putting into the where the holes are, so that become a part of Turkey?

Keanu does not celebrate Thanksgiving. but Small Justin, that Bieber guy, was trying to tell me, Hailey's butt was not the Chef, to say, that photo with the Turkey, it was the beer after, that is the stuffing?

You think this Hollywood does on purpose?

or just all this Hailey, cannot be more exaggerating anymore?

She has an uncle, Baldwin, that is more known, has a gun shot event.

I wonder he is a survillence people, or they  meant, they just think its getting funnier?

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