
Justin Bieber on Brat Pitt Looks? Ellen Degenerate !

 I got that on my Youtube. 

Isn't this Brat Pitt switching his relationship 3 times, already?

That is 4 on the screen?

And none of that are blue?

You are saying, Mr. Bieber?

Is Ellen your mom's age? Like whichever Justin's mom's age?

Ellen Degenerate, she married? That is why there is a chef on the shows?

She is a vegetarian.

Is this everything real, or something are scripts, and sometimes, they might be all false?

What is an inframe story, and what is out frame stories?

You know this Thumbnail, is Ellen in Blue logo, on your left top corner? 

You have nothing else but relationship to soak, is that why that is red?

And now that Ellen saying she is blue?

That must be a funny tale intended? she marrying to a girl?

That's Christmas presents? To keep the winter warm? or there is an eye glass on ....oh !!!

You like Adam Levine, on his car tale with Tony? The Girl Like you, that song?

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