
Washington DC, Cleopatra VII Philopator

 No idea.

You need to train them, especially Ponepeo, because he is the Secretary States.

Howard is very tall. 

Do you need to blood tests ET? Just say they are not Vampire?

You have the doctor trained ?

These they say ET coming out, but that movie are vampire race coming out, good and not good.

Information only? Blood thirst ?

What’s a english term. “blood thirst” means anyway? 

Okay, how about you and ET talks about the humanoid issues ? The Bilateral division of that symmetry map, like all of us creation are the symmetry looking creature from God?

Meaning do they have the same functioning brain works like human feeling sad, blurs vision like crying response ? I cannot interrogate them. 

Do you want to ask them if they feel crying what Project Camelot and all do to them?

Do they feel the communication was not clear.

Why don’t they feel it’s not clear?

Do they have a name list and a list of activities they do to them ET? How, when, where, …

Do they feel the collaboration with the human race and the serpent story in the Bible has any connection that might be misleading, are they serpent, ancient serpent?

Do they feel that’s a correct definition ?

Do they feel under God they carry the responsibility to the right degree but most human misunderstand them, so what do they do to get out their anger response? 

Is there maturity you see human race issues? How would you wish to see to improve ?

How about you try to write your own questions, the ET division classify or regular military or civilian or private company investors are big right?

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