
⭐️So let's say people like Hollywood people Keanu or Simon, they are Sad and want to die people all the time ⭐️

 You see yourself replica, or duplicates, do you want to save them? 

You MD seeing them doing all these?  

Have you wonder if you will be glue together, side by side? Like Tamang and Keanu? 

Dean and Which Justin?

Do you think JC seeing me doing this, he wants to die more?

They are all singing bugs, persmissive people in the Entertainment Worlds, as you guys MD evolving better? Do you do report to your supervisor, whom you trying to save, if you all die out.....just like ET plans...the Hollywood will die out by itself, they suicide, and you all just drop dead in the Bermuda, if you don't hold on Time, like Anna first stated on the facebook, I need Time? First time trying to save you again?



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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....