
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Seth you want to go first, or I talk to them in Chinese? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Seth: I go first. They have not a single glue what they suppose to do with their life, with people around them life. They mess up others people's life 16 years ago, they thought that is not a thing, so now they do it again and again. They cannot see how other perceived them. ITs so low IQ to the degree to hold on something that does not exist anymore. They thought it did exist. I said, it does not exist it anymore. For what they wish to become, and for what they will ever do with all this things to turn real, they really thought to that slightly chance Anna you cannot drop them.

Yes, I can.

Seth: Oh, they think you cannot.

Well, someone does a perfect job.

Seth: Everyone all thought you could just stand up and start owning Anna's stuffs if you just acting maturely with your professionalism and all that. But what did you all do? You want to safeguard yourself, in case someone else did that to you. And when you yourself stuffs reject you, you realize other people's stuffs might work. They are all Doctors anyway ! 

I don't think they go that far yet, or you mean Ola?

Seth: Both. They thinking one way or the other they have to explain to the parents, but that same lines does not need to apply to their bf, or husband, or whatever friends they got for the next 16 32 years whatever years left on them.

They are scared?

Seth: Very.

They getting anything help other than their parents?

Seth: Not really. They don't want other people to find out that is what they done. If its you did it, they would have boast to all their family and friends to laugh at it. Its all you can do now to fix it all. 

They never getting a better attitude lesson.

Seth: So many people on the lines, just waiting for them to come out the right words. Thats tormenting.


Seth: They always say, the next day is a better one, but really, they are very very persmissive about it. Everything all goes to you Anna says, exactly like you say. They scream inside so loud so loud so loud. They don't want to be seen like that, but their behavior is exactly like that. And they really think they are not like that.

How is the guy doing?

Seth: Very heart taken by that. ITs a long time they know each other.

That is all they got in life?

Seth: Maybe not that in a way saying that....

They wish they turn out better, not this.

Seth: Right.

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 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....