
oh Ola thinks she gonna become a princess??? They just how many girls in the 6, you think you all become princess? In this world you are MD, there is no such things.

 I have this 5 Lords in UB, and 5 Lords in NSYNC, before I go to Facebook, I told their manager something about a lawsuit I written him notice, I don't want anything to do with them, not economically they turn themselves to drunk or gambler in that Hollywood social life, right now I have zero money. But in the future, If I developed my works

    Nobel Prize One person alone, one million dollar

    Art works, one million dollar

    Publishing textbook business, one country, if starting one million dollar

That is 3 millions I can afford to go and find Seth, and Dean they are 5.....to say, hi, remember me. Or NSYNC. I need time. I have zero things anyway, in case you don't hear me where I am about for 8 long years?

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....