
I say to little kid little monks, when the ET flats you on saying you were cleansing your memory....

 Its to flatten your ego to feel you are somebody.

How do you know which person's memory that you are short in memory?

Don't believe those things ET says. There are things impossible to say....and they do that so often, i can see that. You just go along with their saying, or try to understand anything I ever said.

Whatever they make it sounds like historical, the forgotton memory, its all your ego love to hear about his dream, unrealistic, how speical you are.

If you could just do the things in front of you, to make others to like about you, not this ET pretends you are becoming less hostile to them by joining their conversation and relate to the whole world, as if you are keeping a secret ....so many decades later on.

You know ....life you want Zen, means, trying to live that right ! 

Its not about ET, ET knows whats Zen.

They know you all love, dreams, memory, cleansing your love, hate, wining, heart ache, kindness felt, warm your heart, melt your soul story....

Can you acting right? 

Translate the chinese, right?

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....