
Hi Keanu, I watching your Recent Interivew 11-22. DId you buddy with Mathrew yet? When you were young, you are famous, right now, you don't need that. You just need to go to Court.

 Do you know why people get some age on their belt, they feel, they have more experience to talk in the right sense to stand there?


Do you imagine any case, or we never gonna see ET?

I didn't watch all of your film. I got this Down to Love 2003. Pink?

That is the Whole Truth lady?

What is her name again? Barbra? I thought her name is Reese....something? Reene.

Tom Cruise he has a girlfriend that has a kid, that knows a mouse.

How does that sound like ....

Down to Earth, there is a word Earth in it. Do you ever look at Sailor Moon is? if you started at 2014? There is an internal Earth, there is a palace, there is a cage.

Don't tell me that looks like Eden.

The moon Kingdom was rotton.

And past of the past become a memory, and ET recites me a poem, that internal palace is fall apart no one cleans?

Don't start with that ....

Certain place you never goes, like Pyramid, one of those? 

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