
Can anyone actually exist across my monitor....about this everyday, fried my nerves things?


Where is Mason? Like Bill Gates those types, or someone he knows, knows One Eye CBS? 

Whom are we ready for? ET, or from One Eye? They are human looking, not like Zawanna or Kail? So we assume, its Reptilian or Greys?

Can someone defined One eye, like Red River Manga, that is one eye guy ! 

That Zawanna just shows up in CNN, so we take the CNN as the leading Media, right?

So its the Red River Manga?

Do you fried Japan, to interrogating them, who are these people are?

Also black water, it is in Matrix, where Neo, when in the final scene those fighting in the rain, there are black water.

Red River, has a black water things.

You have the thumbnail, I sent you earlier?????

So can you conclude it right?

Its the Red River Manga, we first open contact, or its the ET????




Ghost, Phantom. That is Shadows. 

The shadow government. 

okay, the star mask guy, in the Star War? My brother told me, that mask black helmet guy story, was someone stole the maps, and he went to efface them all in the movies.

Where is the Court?

You gonna hand those people to the Universal Police, if it the polices like those black helmet guys showing up?

Do you know that story in the movies? I heard someone stole the maps, and that helmet man, clean it all up.

Do you watch BTX' first episode? There is a Black knights in there, in the trailer, hitting Sariputra?

In the middle of the night ...baby? I already say that too many times. So its Zawanna them. But they are invisible right now. Anyone knows what the shadow government is? Its in the rumors.

Also the court...

Hi ~~~ I think there is a main focus, to Open Galaxy from my pages. Its on my YouTube, can you identify your monitor, you seeing things exactly like I see ? 

You need to do something now. 

Google delete the Project Camelot the entire video collections. This one thing. Can you check? No, we don't want any confusing information. 

I have no ideas what they are all doing. They provide some information, but ... ...they are too big of mouth saying everything in a way, I don't like it.

Inelia Benz purchase a beach, not ranch. Do you check this one thing? Inelia Benz is one of them, like whistle blowers types. They are in the same circle, conspiracy theory groups.

I need you to figure it out a way, doing this. Either to give them all a warning, in advance, their spoken words are not welcome anymore. Or things will be delete, or efface entirely every single trace of it. They would not order that. I order that. 


Hubby = like Hobbit

腦公 = this ....

there is a Chinese zombie?

There is something more than 100 years old. Technically, we don't have that society here on Earth, people live to old age, they will die. 

I don't think we need to know all the meaning in One Day.

There is 黑色泡沫 = Black foam, so like Black water....

There is a lot of direction pointing at the Red River Manga.

Zawanna on CNN, so that book, needs to be heard.

Ghost, might be meaning astral. Like a shadowy ideas. 

But are we close to the lower astral???? Whom coming out of the astral? Babaji?

Do you want to take my words into an account?

i can see their form, a roughly shape. Kinda like Zawanna. Not necessarily the entire eyes, nose, mouth, or faces. Its a roughly sense. Because I close my eyes most of time.

If open my eyes, its roughly. 

There are times, they are like the cartoon comic's book, kinda they say its a hologram, it may not be hologram. I have no ideas what happened.

We communicate with telepathy.

I was very bad at it. Very very bad at it. Now, I can ask them question and receive answers. I used to be "not sure not sure not sure what they are saying"

Now, I can hear more clear the word they say, exactly. But I don't believe a word in it. 

Not really. 

I don't want a life with them. I want to build my own life.

I just told you, I don't believe a word in them, so I would never question them about Open Galaxy, or when will you come to me, all that stuffs....

I do not believe in it.

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