
Do you want your parents to hold you hands to walk out this, or you want Dr. T, when you see him, he treats you like you are his beloved students still?


Dr. T, do you have any wish to say about my face? I am not MD to write you, but I have a music website I can write you. You sign your T in the comic book Ola gift me that crystal, now she tried to dance an ice skating, my routes was saying 3 kinds of skaters, roller blades street, ice skating figure skate, and roller blade wildness traveling path. I am the third. Dean is the hockey, so none of us is in her gerne, figure skate. But I might have heard, you know hockey. You want an excuse not to lay off, I see in the book....that was how she really needs you, and one day you show up, to comfer those words....

That is a real life. Anything particular, you wish me to write for you?

"Dr. T is a little too old to be placed on ice. He will be in the witness program not to go and touch the ice, so there might be an accident. He has 16 years class junks, in accordance to he tried to be an ice coach. Meaning, Red River Manga speaking a tale of sexual previling story, = if you see that, lots of sex, that is SMCH. There is a water degree problem, you temporarily off the ice, for better. Until further investigation that water is safe, not a portal, like "Liquid Dream" from O-Town, they have one of their song, "All or Nothing" on Oct, 25, Supreme Master Ching Hai Day."

Want to see again, yesterday tale????



Does anyone can just try to save me? Beside your jealous heart? How many magic photo you need in my room?

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....